ARTICLE 2. Creation, Alteration, and Termination of Condominiums  

SECTION 55.1-1907. How condominium may be created
SECTION 55.1-1908. Release of liens
SECTION 55.1-1909. Description of condominium units
SECTION 55.1-1910. Execution of condominium instruments
SECTION 55.1-1911. Recordation of condominium instruments
SECTION 55.1-1912. Construction of condominium instruments
SECTION 55.1-1913. Complementarity of condominium instruments; controlling construction
SECTION 55.1-1914. Validity of condominium instruments; discrimination prohibited
SECTION 55.1-1915. Compliance with condominium instruments
SECTION 55.1-1916. Contents of declaration
SECTION 55.1-1917. Allocation of interests in the common elements
SECTION 55.1-1918. Reallocation of interests in common elements
SECTION 55.1-1919. Assignments of limited common elements; conversion to common element
SECTION 55.1-1920. Contents of plats and plans
SECTION 55.1-1921. Bond to insure completion of improvements
SECTION 55.1-1922. Preliminary recordation of plats and plans
SECTION 55.1-1923. Easement for encroachments
SECTION 55.1-1924. Conversion of convertible lands
SECTION 55.1-1925. Conversion of convertible spaces
SECTION 55.1-1926. Expansion of condominium
SECTION 55.1-1927. Contraction of condominium
SECTION 55.1-1928. Easement to facilitate conversion and expansion
SECTION 55.1-1929. Easement to facilitate sales
SECTION 55.1-1930. Declarant's obligation to complete and restore
SECTION 55.1-1931. Alterations within units
SECTION 55.1-1932. Relocation of boundaries between units
SECTION 55.1-1933. Subdivision of units
SECTION 55.1-1934. Amendment of condominium instruments
SECTION 55.1-1935. Use of technology
SECTION 55.1-1936. Merger or consolidation of condominiums; procedure
SECTION 55.1-1937. Termination of condominium
SECTION 55.1-1938. Rights of mortgagees
SECTION 55.1-1939. Statement of unit owner rights