ARTICLE 3. Management of Condominium  

SECTION 55.1-1940. Bylaws to be recorded with declaration; contents; unit owners' association; executive board; amendment of bylaws
SECTION 55.1-1941. Amendment to condominium instruments; consent of mortgagee
SECTION 55.1-1942. Reformation of declaration; judicial procedure
SECTION 55.1-1943. Control of condominium by declarant
SECTION 55.1-1944. Deposit of funds
SECTION 55.1-1945. Books, minutes, and records; inspection
SECTION 55.1-1946. Management office
SECTION 55.1-1947. Transfer of special declarant rights
SECTION 55.1-1948. Declarants not succeeding to special declarant rights
SECTION 55.1-1949. Meetings of unit owners' association and executive board
SECTION 55.1-1950. Distribution of information by members
SECTION 55.1-1951. Display of the flag of the United States; necessary supporting structures; affirmative defense
SECTION 55.1-1952. Meetings of unit owners' association and executive board; quorums
SECTION 55.1-1953. Meetings of unit owners' association and executive board; voting by unit owners; proxies
SECTION 55.1-1954. Officers
SECTION 55.1-1955. Upkeep of condominiums; warranty against structural defects; statute of limitations for warranty; warranty review committee
SECTION 55.1-1956. Control of common elements
SECTION 55.1-1957. Common elements; notice of pesticide application
SECTION 55.1-1958. Tort and contract liability; judgment lien
SECTION 55.1-1959. Suspension of services for failure to pay assessments; corrective action; assessment of charges for violations; notice; hearing; adoption and enforcement of rules and regulations
SECTION 55.1-1960. Limitation of occupancy of a unit
SECTION 55.1-1961. Use of for sale sign in connection with resale
SECTION 55.1-1962. Designation of authorized representative
SECTION 55.1-1962.1. Electric vehicle charging stations permitted
SECTION 55.1-1963. Insurance
SECTION 55.1-1964. Liability for common expenses; late fees
SECTION 55.1-1965. Annual budget; reserves for capital components
SECTION 55.1-1966. Lien for assessments
SECTION 55.1-1967. Notice of sale under deed of trust
SECTION 55.1-1968. Bond to be posted by declarant
SECTION 55.1-1969. Restraints on alienation