ARTICLE 1. General Provisions  

SECTION 5.1-1. (Effective until September 1, 2023) Definitions
SECTION 5.1-1.1. Creation of Department of Aviation
SECTION 5.1-1.2. Appointment of Director; term; vacancies
SECTION 5.1-1.3. Oath and bond of Director; salary
SECTION 5.1-1.4. Enforcement of laws, rules and regulations
SECTION 5.1-1.5. General powers of Department
SECTION 5.1-1.6. Further powers and duties of Department; State Corporation Commission to administer Chapter 9
SECTION 5.1-1.7. Suits to enjoin violations of title
SECTION 5.1-2. Repealed
SECTION 5.1-2.1. Virginia Aviation Commission continued as Virginia Aviation Board; membership; terms; Chairman
SECTION 5.1-2.2. Powers and duties of Board
SECTION 5.1-2.2.1. Further powers and duties of the Board
SECTION 5.1-2.2.2. Commercial air service plan
SECTION 5.1-2.2.3. Transparency and accountability in the use of Commonwealth Aviation Fund revenues
SECTION 5.1-2.2.4. Transparency and accountability for use of Department and Board funds
SECTION 5.1-2.3. Meetings of Board; quorum
SECTION 5.1-2.4. Repealed
SECTION 5.1-2.5. Eminent domain; right of entry
SECTION 5.1-2.6. Disposal of airport, air navigation facility or other property
SECTION 5.1-2.7. Revenue bonds generally
SECTION 5.1-2.8. Trust agreement securing bonds
SECTION 5.1-2.9. Rents, fees and charges for services or use of facilities; use and disposition of revenues
SECTION 5.1-2.10. Moneys received deemed trust funds
SECTION 5.1-2.11. Proceedings by bondholder or trustee to enforce rights
SECTION 5.1-2.12. Bonds made securities for investment and deposit
SECTION 5.1-2.13. Revenue refunding bonds; bonds for refunding and for cost of additional projects
SECTION 5.1-2.14. Contracts, leases, and other arrangements
SECTION 5.1-2.15. Resolutions, rules and regulations, etc
SECTION 5.1-2.16. Grants or loans of public or private funds
SECTION 5.1-2.17. Exemptions from taxes or assessments; payments to county or city in lieu of taxes
SECTION 5.1-2.18. Joint agency or authority; agreements authorized; terms
SECTION 5.1-2.19. Same; governing body; officers and agents; powers generally
SECTION 5.1-2.20. Same; eminent domain
SECTION 5.1-2.21. Same; disposal of airport or facility
SECTION 5.1-2.22. Acquisition of airport previously operated by United States
SECTION 5.1-2.23. Board as successor to Virginia Airports Authority
SECTION 5.1-2.24. Applicability of certain sections
SECTION 5.1-3. Repealed
SECTION 5.1-4. Aircraft for use of Department; construction, etc., of aviation facilities by Department
SECTION 5.1-5. Registration of aircraft
SECTION 5.1-6. Repealed
SECTION 5.1-7. Licensing of airports and landing areas
SECTION 5.1-7.1. Repealed
SECTION 5.1-7.2. Registration of private landing areas not within five miles of commercial airport
SECTION 5.1-7.3. Duty of care and liability for damages of owners of private landing areas
SECTION 5.1-8. Repealed
SECTION 5.1-9. Disposition of fees
SECTION 5.1-9.1. Certain privately owned airports declared to be works of public improvement; exemption from local taxation authorized
SECTION 5.1-9.2. Contract carriers; permit and registration required
SECTION 5.1-9.3. Same; application for permit; fee; action of Department
SECTION 5.1-9.4. Repealed
SECTION 5.1-9.5. Contract carriers; bonds, insurance or certificate of insurance required prior to issuance of registration or permit; securities deposited in lieu thereof
SECTION 5.1-9.6. Same; duration and custody of bonds, etc
SECTION 5.1-9.7. Same; condition of bond, etc
SECTION 5.1-9.8. Same; effect of failure to give or maintain adequate security
SECTION 5.1-9.9. Same; duration of permits; suspension or revocation; penalty
SECTION 5.1-10. Repealed
SECTION 5.1-11. Government-owned aircraft
SECTION 5.1-12. Federally certificated airlines and interstate service