SECTION 5.1-9.3. Same; application for permit; fee; action of Department  

Any person desiring a permit under this chapter shall file with the Department an application in the form prescribed by the Department with a fee of fifty dollars. Such application shall contain a promise of compliance by the applicant with the provisions of this title and with the lawful rules and regulations of the Department governing the operations of contract carriers by aircraft in the airspace of the Commonwealth. Such application may be filed with the Department by the applicant in person or transmitted by registered mail. Upon being satisfied that the provisions of this chapter and the lawful rules and regulations of the Department adopted pursuant hereto, which are prerequisite to the granting of a permit, have been complied with, the Department shall issue such permit to such applicant, subject to such terms, limitations and restrictions as the Department may deem proper, without further proceedings.

Code 1950, § 5.1-104; 1970, c. 708; 1972, c. 232; 1980, c. 721.