SECTION 64.2-1417. How judgment may be entered against personal representative, conservator, or committee  

A judgment or decree against the personal representative of a decedent, committee of a convict, or conservator of an incapacitated person as defined in § 64.2-2000 for a debt due from the decedent, convict, or incapacitated person may, without taking an account of the transactions of the representative, conservator, or committee, be entered to be paid out of the estate of the decedent, convict, or incapacitated person in, or that shall come into, the possession of the representative, conservator, or committee to be administered. If the circuit court holds that the proceeding for the debt would not have been brought if the fiduciary had prudently discharged his duty, the amount of the judgment or decree for costs shall be paid out of the estate of the representative, conservator, or committee.

Code 1919, § 5407; 1950, p. 356, § 26-6; 1997, c. 64.2-2000 ; 2012, c. 64.2-2000 .