SECTION 64.2-1418. Court order for payments due from fiduciaries; effect  

When a report of the accounts of any guardian, curator, conservator, committee, or trustee is confirmed, either in whole or in a qualified manner, the circuit court for the clerk's office where the report is filed may order payment of what appears due on such accounts to such persons as would be entitled to recover the same by suit. Any guardian, curator, conservator, committee, or trustee who has, in good faith and in compliance with the order of such court, paid and delivered the money and other estate in his possession to whomsoever the court has adjudged is entitled thereto, shall be fully protected against the demands of creditors and all other persons.

Code 1919, § 5433; 1942, p. 480; Code 1950, § 26-7; 1997, c. 801 ; 2012, c. 801 .