SECTION 58.1-3145. How treasurer may secure final discharge from liability  

Any treasurer or, if he has died, his personal representative, at any time after the expiration of his term shall produce before the circuit court of the county or city of which he is treasurer the respective certificates of the Comptroller, of the governing body of such county or city and of the school board of such county or city. These certificates shall show the final settlement of his account as treasurer and the proper accounting for and turning over of all the moneys or other property, including the tax tickets for the current year, that had or should have come into his hands as such treasurer during the term and the receipt of his successor in office, provided for in § 58.1-3138 . The court shall then enter an order requiring the clerk of the court to publish, once a week, for four successive weeks, in some newspaper to be designated in the order and by posting at the front door of the courthouse of the county or city, a notice that such treasurer will, on the day to be named in the order, move the court to enter an order of final discharge to such treasurer. These provisions shall not apply to treasurers who retain their office at the end of the term.

Code 1950, § 58-933; 1984, c. 675.