ARTICLE 2. Treasurers  

SECTION 58.1-3123. Interpretation of "treasurer."
SECTION 58.1-3124. Where office of county treasurer to be maintained; providing suitable space
SECTION 58.1-3125. Examination of treasurer's bond; when court to require new bond
SECTION 58.1-3126. Bond of deputy; liability thereon
SECTION 58.1-3127. Treasurer to collect and pay over taxes and levies; keep account of receipts and disbursements; books open for inspection
SECTION 58.1-3127.1. Treasurer to collect all amounts to be received by any department or agency of political subdivision
SECTION 58.1-3128. Power to summon taxpayers and other persons; penalty
SECTION 58.1-3128.1. Authority to require production of sales and use tax information
SECTION 58.1-3129. Destruction of paid tax tickets; other tax tickets; records
SECTION 58.1-3130. Authority to destroy bonds and bond coupons which have been paid; procedure for destruction; certification
SECTION 58.1-3131. Warrants; recordkeeping requirements; release of information
SECTION 58.1-3132. How warrants paid; receivable for levies
SECTION 58.1-3133. Treasurers may deduct any taxes due from party in whose favor the warrant is drawn; compacts
SECTION 58.1-3134. Warrants must be presented within two years
SECTION 58.1-3135. Statement of accounts of treasurer
SECTION 58.1-3136. Audits of treasurers upon termination of office
SECTION 58.1-3137. County treasurer's annual settlement; final settlement
SECTION 58.1-3138. Delivery of books, tax tickets, and other materials to successor treasurer or court clerk
SECTION 58.1-3139. Treasurer not to deal in warrants
SECTION 58.1-3140. Remedy for failure to pay such warrants
SECTION 58.1-3141. Treasurer or other person shall not use public money except as provided by law
SECTION 58.1-3142. Interest on a fund belongs to the fund; exception
SECTION 58.1-3143. Reserved
SECTION 58.1-3144. Penalties
SECTION 58.1-3145. How treasurer may secure final discharge from liability
SECTION 58.1-3146. Rule to show cause in such case; notice and hearing thereon
SECTION 58.1-3147. Appeal
SECTION 58.1-3148. City charters not affected by particular provisions
SECTION 58.1-3149. Money received to be deposited
SECTION 58.1-3150. Duties of depository officers
SECTION 58.1-3151. County finance board
SECTION 58.1-3152. Organization and procedure of board
SECTION 58.1-3153. Compensation for the citizen member of the county finance board
SECTION 58.1-3154. Selection and approval of depositories
SECTION 58.1-3155. Deposit of local funds in banking institutions outside of the Commonwealth to meet obligations payable outside of the Commonwealth
SECTION 58.1-3156. County finance boards may direct treasurer to invest under certain circumstances
SECTION 58.1-3157. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-3158. Duties of treasurers
SECTION 58.1-3159. Reserved
SECTION 58.1-3160. Monthly report of treasurer to board
SECTION 58.1-3161. Interest on deposits
SECTION 58.1-3162. Disbursement of money deposited
SECTION 58.1-3163. No liability for loss of funds deposited in accordance with article
SECTION 58.1-3164. Institution of proceedings
SECTION 58.1-3165. Suspension of officer proceeded against, appointment of substitute
SECTION 58.1-3166. Substitute officer continues in office upon removal of predecessor
SECTION 58.1-3167. Reserved
SECTION 58.1-3168. When treasurers to pay state revenue into state treasury
SECTION 58.1-3169. Interest chargeable against treasurer for failure to pay over revenue
SECTION 58.1-3170. Reserved
SECTION 58.1-3171. Attorney General to proceed against delinquent treasurers and their sureties; recordation of notice
SECTION 58.1-3172. Lien of judgment and execution in such proceeding
SECTION 58.1-3172.1. Remote access to nonconfidential public records maintained by treasurer; fees