SECTION 46.2-947. Violations committed within highway safety corridor; report on benefits

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the fine for any moving violation of any provision of this chapter while operating a motor vehicle in a designated highway safety corridor pursuant to § 33.2-253 shall be no more than $500 for any violation which is a traffic infraction and not less than $200 for any violation which is a criminal offense. The otherwise applicable fines set forth in Rule 3B:2 of the Rules of the Supreme Court shall be doubled in the case of a waiver of appearance and a plea of guilty under § 33.2-253 or § 33.2-253 for a violation of a provision of this chapter while operating a motor vehicle in a designated highway safety corridor pursuant to § 33.2-253 . The Commissioner shall report, on an annual basis, statistical data related to benefits derived from the designation of such highway safety corridors. This information may be posted on the Virginia Department of Transportation's official website. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 33.2-253 , the governing bodies of counties, cities and towns may not adopt ordinances providing for penalties under this section.

2003, c. 33.2-253 .