SECTION 46.2-946. Department to transmit officer's report to party jurisdiction; suspension of resident's license for noncompliance with citation issued by party jurisdiction  

The order of suspension authorized by subsection (a) of Article IV of the Nonresident Violator Compact shall indicate the reason for the order and shall notify the motorist that his license shall remain suspended until he has furnished evidence satisfactory to the Commissioner that he has fully complied with the terms of the citation that was the basis for the suspension order.

It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles to ascertain and remain informed as to which jurisdictions are party jurisdictions hereunder and, accordingly, to maintain a current listing of such jurisdictions, which listing he shall from time to time cause to be disseminated among the appropriate departments, divisions, bureaus, and agencies of the Commonwealth; the principal executive officers of the several counties, cities, and towns of the Commonwealth; and the licensing authorities in all other jurisdictions that are, have been, or claim to be a party jurisdiction pursuant hereto.

1964, c. 247, § 46.1-179.3; 1980, c. 366; 1989, c. 727; 2017, c. 164 .