SECTION 33.2-1026. Awards in greater or lesser amounts than deposit; interest  

A. If the amount of an award in a condemnation proceeding is greater than that deposited with the court or represented by a certificate of deposit, the excess amount, together with interest accrued on such excess amount, shall be paid into court for the person entitled thereto.

B. Interest shall accrue on the excess amount at not less than the judgment rate of interest as set forth in § 8.01-382 , computed from the date of such deposit to the date of payment into court, and shall be paid into court for the person or persons entitled thereto. However, any (i) interest accruing after June 30, 1970, and prior to July 1, 1981, shall be paid at the rate of six percent; (ii) interest accruing after June 30, 1981, and prior to July 1, 1994, shall be paid at the rate of eight percent; and (iii) interest accruing after June 30, 1994, and prior to July 1, 2003, shall be paid at the general account composite rate, compiled by the Department of the Treasury for the month in which the award is rendered.

C. If the amount of an award in a condemnation proceeding is less than that deposited with the court or represented by a certificate of deposit, and the person or persons entitled thereto have received a distribution of the funds pursuant to § 8.01-382 , the Commissioner of Highways shall recover (i) the amount of such excess and (ii) interest on such excess at the rate of interest established pursuant to § 6621(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. If any person has been paid a greater sum than that to which he is entitled as determined by the award, judgment shall be entered for the Commissioner of Highways against such person for the amount of such excess and interest. However, the Commissioner of Highways shall not be entitled to recover the amount of such excess and interest in the event the Commissioner of Highways acquired, by virtue of the certificate, an entire parcel of land containing a dwelling, multiple-family dwelling, or building used for commercial purposes at the time of initiation of negotiations for the acquisition of such property.

Code 1950, § 33-70.10; 1958, c. 581; 1970, cc. 322, 614, § 33.1-128; 1981, c. 476; 1994, c. 8.01-382 ; 1997, c. 8.01-382 ; 2003, cc. 8.01-382 , 8.01-382 , 8.01-382 , 8.01-382 ; 2010, cc. 8.01-382 , 8.01-382 ; 2014, c. 8.01-382 ; 2017, c. 8.01-382 .