ARTICLE 1. Eminent Domain and Damages  

SECTION 33.2-1000. Definitions
SECTION 33.2-1001. Power to acquire lands, etc.; conveyance to municipality after acquisition; property owners to be informed and briefed
SECTION 33.2-1002. Limitation on power of eminent domain
SECTION 33.2-1003. Additional power to acquire lands
SECTION 33.2-1004. Plans for acquisition of rights-of-way
SECTION 33.2-1005. Acquisition of real property that may be needed for transportation projects; sale of certain real property
SECTION 33.2-1006. Reconveyance where property deemed suitable for mass transit purposes
SECTION 33.2-1007. Authority to acquire entire tract of land, or parcel thereof, when only part to be utilized for highway purposes
SECTION 33.2-1008. Authority to acquire land to replace parkland; applicability
SECTION 33.2-1009. Acquisition of residue parcels declared to be in public interest
SECTION 33.2-1010. Use and disposition of residue parcels of land
SECTION 33.2-1011. Right to enter on land to ascertain its suitability for highway and other transportation purposes; damage resulting from such entry
SECTION 33.2-1012. Limitations in Title 25.1 not applicable to Commissioner of Highways
SECTION 33.2-1013. Notice of exercise of eminent domain power; evidence of value
SECTION 33.2-1014. Acquisition of interests for exchange with railroad, public utility company, public service corporation or company, political subdivision, or cable television company; relocation of poles, lines, etc
SECTION 33.2-1015. Acquisition of land in median of highways for public mass transit; disposition of such property
SECTION 33.2-1016. Procedure in general; suits in name of Commissioner of Highways; survival; validation of suits; notice of filing
SECTION 33.2-1017. Taking highway materials from streams, rivers, and watercourses
SECTION 33.2-1018. Authority to take possession and title to property before or during condemnation; purpose and intent of provisions
SECTION 33.2-1019. Payments into court or filing certificate of deposit before entering upon land
SECTION 33.2-1020. Payment of certificates of deposit; recordation of certain certificates; notice to owner
SECTION 33.2-1021. Recordation of certificates; transfer of title or interest; land situated in two or more counties or cities
SECTION 33.2-1022. Certificates to describe land and list owner
SECTION 33.2-1023. Proceedings for distribution of funds; effect of acceptance of payments; evidence as to amount of deposit or certificate
SECTION 33.2-1024. Reformation, alteration, revision, amendment, or invalidation of certificate
SECTION 33.2-1025. When condemnation proceedings instituted; payment of compensation or damages; order confirming award; recording
SECTION 33.2-1026. Awards in greater or lesser amounts than deposit; interest
SECTION 33.2-1027. Agreements as to compensation; petition and order of court thereon; disposition of deposit
SECTION 33.2-1027.1. Distribution of funds to owner or owner's attorney
SECTION 33.2-1028. Enhancement to be offset against damage
SECTION 33.2-1029. Remedy of landowners under certain conditions
SECTION 33.2-1030. Installation of broadband conduit