ARTICLE 1. Erection of Lines; Rights-of Way; Eminent Domain, Etc  

SECTION 56-458. Right to erect lines parallel to railroads; occupation of roads, streets, etc.; location of same
SECTION 56-458.1. Relocation of lines or works of certain public utilities acquired by Commonwealth Transportation Board
SECTION 56-459. Removal of old line not required by this chapter
SECTION 56-460. How consent of appropriate authorities obtained; terms of use
SECTION 56-461. Cost to Commonwealth in connection with construction of line to be paid by company
SECTION 56-462. Franchise to occupy parks, streets, etc.; imposition of terms, conditions, etc., as to use of streets, etc., and construction thereon
SECTION 56-463. Company may contract for right-of-way, etc
SECTION 56-464. Right of eminent domain
SECTION 56-465. Preceding sections subject to repeal or change at pleasure
SECTION 56-466. Location of posts, poles, cables and conduits; height of wires, etc
SECTION 56-466.1. Pole attachments; cable television systems and telecommunications service providers
SECTION 56-466.2. Undergrounding existing overhead distribution lines; relocation of facilities of cable operator
SECTION 56-467. Restoring condition of ground
SECTION 56-468. Endangering life or limb by stringing wires across other works
SECTION 56-468.1. (Contingent expiration -- see Editor's note) Public Rights-of-Way Use Fee
SECTION 56-468.2. Reimbursement for relocation costs