ARTICLE 2. Property Abandoned or Assumed Abandoned  

SECTION 55-210.2.1. Property presumed abandoned; general rule
SECTION 55-210.2.2. General rules for taking custody of intangible unclaimed property
SECTION 55-210.3. Repealed
SECTION 55-210.3.01. Bank deposits and funds in financial organizations
SECTION 55-210.3.02. Travelers' checks and money orders
SECTION 55-210.3.1. Repealed
SECTION 55-210.3.2. Checks, drafts and similar instruments issued or certified by banking and financial organizations
SECTION 55-210.3.3. Contents of safe deposit box or other safekeeping repository
SECTION 55-210.4. Repealed
SECTION 55-210.4.01. Funds owing under life insurance policies
SECTION 55-210.4.1. When intangible personal property held by insurance corporation subject to § 55-210.2:1
SECTION 55-210.4.2. Unclaimed demutualization proceeds
SECTION 55-210.5. Deposits held by utilities
SECTION 55-210.6. Repealed
SECTION 55-210.6.1. When intangible interest in business association presumed abandoned
SECTION 55-210.6.2. Refunds held by business associations
SECTION 55-210.7. Property of business associations held in course of dissolution
SECTION 55-210.8. When intangible personal property held in fiduciary capacity presumed abandoned
SECTION 55-210.8.1. Gift certificates and credit balances
SECTION 55-210.8.2. Wages
SECTION 55-210.9. When intangible property held for owner by public agency presumed abandoned
SECTION 55-210.9.1. Property held by courts
SECTION 55-210.9.2. Responsibilities of general receiver and clerk
SECTION 55-210.10. Repealed
SECTION 55-210.10.1. Employee benefit trust distribution
SECTION 55-210.10.2. Holder of tangible or intangible personal property may voluntarily report same