ARTICLE 1. Creation and Transfer of Estates  

SECTION 55.1-100. Aliens may acquire, hold, and transmit real estate; when reciprocity required
SECTION 55.1-101. When deed or will necessary to convey estate; no parol partition or gift valid
SECTION 55.1-102. When gift of personal property invalid
SECTION 55.1-103. Suicide or attainder of felony
SECTION 55.1-104. Estates to lie in grant as well as in livery
SECTION 55.1-105. Same estates may be created by deed as by will
SECTION 55.1-106. Power of disposal in life tenant not to defeat remainder unless exercised; power of disposal held by fiduciary
SECTION 55.1-107. Default or surrender of tenant for life not to prejudice remainderman
SECTION 55.1-108. Conveyance of estate or interest in property by grantor to himself and another
SECTION 55.1-109. Deed valid for grantor's right; operation of warranty
SECTION 55.1-110. Conveyance, devise, or grant without words of limitation
SECTION 55.1-111. Fee tail converted into fee simple
SECTION 55.1-112. Estate of freehold to one with remainder to heirs, etc.; rule in Shelley's Case abolished
SECTION 55.1-113. Doctrine of worthier title abolished
SECTION 55.1-114. When contingent remainder not to fail
SECTION 55.1-115. When remainders not defeated
SECTION 55.1-116. In what conveyances possession transferred to the use
SECTION 55.1-117. Land trusts not to fail because no beneficiaries are specified by name and no duties laid on trustee; when interest of beneficiaries deemed personal property; liens
SECTION 55.1-118. Deed of release effectual
SECTION 55.1-119. When person not a party, etc., may take or sue under instrument
SECTION 55.1-120. Informalities in deeds made by attorneys-in-fact
SECTION 55.1-121. Time for objections to irregularities in advertising sales made by trustees
SECTION 55.1-122. Recovery at death of life tenant of taxes paid on life estate
SECTION 55.1-123. Removal of a cloud on title; nature of plaintiff's title