CHAPTER 23.1. Cemetery Operators, Perpetual Care Trust Funds and Preneed Burial Contracts  

SECTION 54.1-2310. Definitions
SECTION 54.1-2311. Cemetery operators required to be licensed by the Board
SECTION 54.1-2312. Exemptions
SECTION 54.1-2312.01. Special interments; definitions; regulations by Board
SECTION 54.1-2312.1. Resale of interment right; conditions for resale transaction; contents of transfer form; approval by cemetery company
SECTION 54.1-2312.2. Resale of interment right by certain churches and religious organizations
SECTION 54.1-2313. Board; appointment; terms; vacancies; meetings; quorum; other powers; regulations
SECTION 54.1-2313.1. Protection of preneed burial and perpetual care trust funds; operation of cemetery company; appointment of receiver
SECTION 54.1-2314. Refusal, suspension or revocation of license or registration
SECTION 54.1-2315. Other prohibited activities
SECTION 54.1-2316. Certain representations unlawful; perpetual care trust fund required
SECTION 54.1-2317. Who may serve as trustee of perpetual care trust fund
SECTION 54.1-2318. Application of Part A (§ 64.2-1200 et seq.) of Subtitle IV of Title 64.2
SECTION 54.1-2319. Deposit in perpetual care trust fund required upon sale of graves, etc
SECTION 54.1-2320. Additional deposit not required upon subsequent sale of same grave, crypt or niche
SECTION 54.1-2321. Recovery of original perpetual care trust fund deposit
SECTION 54.1-2322. Use of income from perpetual care trust fund; distributions
SECTION 54.1-2323. Financial records required
SECTION 54.1-2324. Financial report and report of independent certified public accountant required for perpetual care trust funds
SECTION 54.1-2325. Deposit in preneed trust required upon sale of property or services not to be delivered within 120 days
SECTION 54.1-2326. Who may serve as trustee of preneed trust fund
SECTION 54.1-2327. Itemized statement and general price list of burial fees to be furnished; solicitations prohibited
SECTION 54.1-2328. Requirements of preneed burial contracts
SECTION 54.1-2329. Identification of specific funds
SECTION 54.1-2330. Specific funds and income to remain in preneed trust account; exception
SECTION 54.1-2331. Disbursement of trust funds upon performance of contract
SECTION 54.1-2332. Seller required to keep records
SECTION 54.1-2333. Financial report and report of independent certified public accountant required for preneed trust accounts
SECTION 54.1-2334. Inclusion of property and services to be delivered within 120 days
SECTION 54.1-2335. Breach of contract by seller; trust to be single purpose trust
SECTION 54.1-2336. Trustee may rely on certifications and affidavits
SECTION 54.1-2337. Transfer of trust funds to another trustee
SECTION 54.1-2338. Use of trustee's name in advertisements
SECTION 54.1-2339. Construction and development of mausoleums and garden crypts
SECTION 54.1-2340. Waiver of chapter void
SECTION 54.1-2341. Exemption from levy, garnishment and distress
SECTION 54.1-2342. Penalties