ARTICLE 6. Common Carriers  

SECTION 46.2-2074. Application of article
SECTION 46.2-2075. Required certificates of public convenience and necessity
SECTION 46.2-2076. Application; notice requirements
SECTION 46.2-2077. Considerations for determination of issuance of certificate
SECTION 46.2-2078. No certificate to issue when service already adequate
SECTION 46.2-2079. Certificates for passenger carriers operating over Interstate Highway System
SECTION 46.2-2080. Irregular route passenger certificates
SECTION 46.2-2081. Schedule required
SECTION 46.2-2082. Schedule changes require Department approval; posting notice
SECTION 46.2-2083. Schedule title page and content
SECTION 46.2-2084. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-2085. Abandonment, discontinuance, or deviation of service
SECTION 46.2-2086. Interruption of service
SECTION 46.2-2087. Refusal of service
SECTION 46.2-2088. Duties of carriers of passengers as to through routes, equipment, rates, regulations, etc
SECTION 46.2-2089. Undue preference not permitted
SECTION 46.2-2090. Tariffs showing rates, fares and charges; available for inspection
SECTION 46.2-2091. Unlawful to charge other than published tariff
SECTION 46.2-2092. Changes in tariffs
SECTION 46.2-2093. Joint tariffs; power of attorney
SECTION 46.2-2094. No transportation except when rates have been filed and published
SECTION 46.2-2095. Terminals; local license taxes on operation