ARTICLE 1. General and Miscellaneous  

SECTION 46.2-800. Riding bicycles, electric personal assistive mobility devices, electric power-assisted bicycles, mopeds, or motorized skateboards or scooters; riding or driving animals
SECTION 46.2-800.1. Riding animals on highways after sunset
SECTION 46.2-800.2. Operation of off-road recreational vehicles in localities embraced by the Southwest Regional Recreation Authority
SECTION 46.2-800.3. Driving in flooded areas prohibited
SECTION 46.2-801. Chapter applicable to drivers of all vehicles regardless of ownership
SECTION 46.2-802. Drive on right side of highways; penalty
SECTION 46.2-803. Keep to the right in crossing intersections or railroads
SECTION 46.2-803.1. Commercial motor vehicles limited to use of certain lanes of certain interstate highways
SECTION 46.2-804. Special regulations applicable on highways laned for traffic; penalty
SECTION 46.2-805. Lane-use control signals
SECTION 46.2-806. One-way roadways and highways
SECTION 46.2-807. Path of travel at circular intersections
SECTION 46.2-808. Commonwealth Transportation Board may prohibit certain uses of controlled access highways; penalty
SECTION 46.2-808.1. Use of crossovers on controlled access highways; penalty
SECTION 46.2-808.2. Violations committed within highway safety corridor; report on benefits
SECTION 46.2-809. Regulation of truck traffic on primary and secondary highways
SECTION 46.2-809.1. Regulation of residential cut-through traffic by Board
SECTION 46.2-810. Age limits for drivers of public passenger-carrying vehicles
SECTION 46.2-810.1. Smoking in vehicle with a minor present; civil penalty
SECTION 46.2-811. Coasting prohibited
SECTION 46.2-812. Driving more than thirteen hours in twenty-four prohibited
SECTION 46.2-813. Occupation of trailer being towed on highways
SECTION 46.2-814. Driving through safety zone prohibited
SECTION 46.2-815. Hauling certain cargoes through tunnels in violation of posted signs; penalty
SECTION 46.2-816. Following too closely
SECTION 46.2-816.1. Careless driving and infliction of injury on vulnerable road users; penalty
SECTION 46.2-817. Disregarding signal by law-enforcement officer to stop; eluding police; penalties
SECTION 46.2-818. Stopping vehicle of another; blocking access to premises; damaging or threatening commercial vehicle or operator thereof; penalties
SECTION 46.2-818.1. Opening and closing motor vehicle doors; penalty
SECTION 46.2-818.2. (Effective January 1, 2021) Use of handheld personal communications devices in certain motor vehicles; exceptions; penalty