ARTICLE 2. General Provisions for Public Utilities  

SECTION 15.2-2109. Powers of localities as to public utilities and computer services; prevention of pollution of certain water
SECTION 15.2-2109.1. Prescriptive easements for provision of water and sewer services
SECTION 15.2-2109.2. Mutual aid agreements for power and natural gas
SECTION 15.2-2109.3. Provision of natural gas distribution service within counties
SECTION 15.2-2110. Mandatory connection to water and sewage systems in certain counties
SECTION 15.2-2111. Regulation of sewage disposal or water service
SECTION 15.2-2112. Agreements by political subdivisions for sewage or water service
SECTION 15.2-2113. Connections of fire suppression systems
SECTION 15.2-2114. Regulation of stormwater
SECTION 15.2-2114.01. Local Stormwater Management Fund; grant moneys
SECTION 15.2-2114.1. Car-washing fundraiser
SECTION 15.2-2115. Purchase of gas, electric and water plants operating in contiguous territory
SECTION 15.2-2116. Acquisition by county or city of water supply system or sewage system from sanitary district
SECTION 15.2-2117. Contracts with sewerage or water purification company, etc
SECTION 15.2-2118. Lien for water and sewer charges and taxes imposed by localities
SECTION 15.2-2118.1. Lien for gas utilities charges and taxes imposed by localities
SECTION 15.2-2119. Fees and charges for water and sewer services provided to a property owner
SECTION 15.2-2119.1. Credit for excessive water and sewer charges
SECTION 15.2-2119.2. Discounted fees and charges for certain low-income, elderly, or disabled customers
SECTION 15.2-2119.3. Sustainable infrastructure financial assistance
SECTION 15.2-2119.4. Fees and charges for water and sewer services provided to a tenant or lessee of the property owner
SECTION 15.2-2120. Enforcement of liens for water or sewer charges
SECTION 15.2-2121. Regulations as to water, sewer and other facilities in subdivisions and development plans