SECTION 54.1-2941. Contracts of practitioners with approved colleges and certain state agencies not prohibited

This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit, forbid or prevent (i) any approved school of medicine, osteopathy, podiatry or chiropractic from contracting with any licensed practitioner to teach or participate in a preceptorship program in such college on such terms of compensation as may be mutually satisfactory, which contract may prescribe the extent, if any, to which the practitioner may engage in private practice, or (ii) any institution, hospital, treatment center, sanatorium or other similar agency under the management and control of an agency of the Commonwealth from employing or contracting with any licensed practitioner to furnish professional services in the work of the agency, or to persons entitled to receive such care from the agency.

1958, c. 275, § 54-275.1; 1984, c. 710; 1988, c. 765.