SECTION 46.2-464. Application for assignment of risk to insurance carrier  

Every person who has been unable to obtain a motor vehicle liability policy shall have the right to apply to the State Corporation Commission to have his risk assigned to an insurance carrier licensed to write and writing motor vehicle liability insurance in the Commonwealth and the insurance carrier, whether a stock or mutual company, reciprocal, or interinsurance exchange, or other type or form of insurance organization, as provided in this article shall issue a motor vehicle liability policy which will meet at least the minimum requirements for establishing financial responsibility as provided in this chapter, and in addition shall provide, at the option of the insured, reasonable motor vehicle physical damage and medical payments coverages, (both as defined in § 38.2-124 ) in the same policy.

Every person who has otherwise obtained a motor vehicle liability insurance policy, or who has been afforded motor vehicle liability insurance under the provisions of § 38.2-124 , but who was not afforded motor vehicle medical payments insurance or motor vehicle physical damage insurance in the same policy, or who was not afforded such coverages under the provisions of that section, shall have the right to apply to the Commission to have his risk assigned to an insurance carrier, as provided above, licensed to write and writing either or both coverages, and the insurance carrier shall issue a policy providing the coverage or coverages applied for.

Code 1950, § 46-486; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-497; 1972, c. 842; 1974, c. 88; 1989, c. 727.