SECTION 46.2-2060. Limitations on advertising  

Within the jurisdictions of Planning District Number Eight, no person shall use the term "taxi" or "taxicab" in any advertisement, sign, or trade name, or hold himself out by means of advertising, signs, trade names, or otherwise as an operator of a taxicab or other motor vehicle performing a taxicab service as defined by § 46.2-2000 , unless he complies with the requirements of § 46.2-2000 and any county, city, or town ordinance adopted pursuant to § 46.2-2000 . This statute, however, shall not preempt, supersede, or affect in any way the authority of the governing body of any county, city, or town to issue local ordinances under §§ 46.2-2000 through 46.2-2000 .

2001, c. 46.2-2000 .