SECTION 46.2-1226. Enforcement of regulations governing parking in Capitol Square  

Any regulation adopted pursuant to § 2.2-1172 and relating to parking in Capitol Square shall provide:

That uncontested citations issued under those regulations shall be paid to the administrative official or officials appointed under the provisions of this section in the City of Richmond, who shall promptly pay these sums into the general fund of the state treasury; and

That contested or delinquent citations shall be certified or complaint, summons, or warrant shall be issued as provided in § 2.2-1172 to the general district court of the City of Richmond. Any sums collected by the court, minus court costs, shall be promptly paid by the clerk to the general fund of the state treasury.

1974, c. 403, § 46.1-254.1; 1975, c. 440; 1977, c. 671; 1980, c. 355; 1989, c. 727.