SECTION 45.1-161.95. Prosecution of violations  

A. It shall be the duty of every attorney for the Commonwealth to whom the Director or his authorized representative has reported any violation of this Act or on his own initiative to cause proceedings to be prosecuted in such cases.

B. If the attorney for the Commonwealth declines to cause proceedings to be prosecuted in such cases, the Director or the Chief may request the Attorney General to institute proceedings for any violation of the Act on behalf of the Commonwealth; however, such action shall not preclude the Director or the Chief from pursuing other applicable statutory procedures. Upon receiving such a request from the Director or the Chief, the Attorney General shall have the authority to institute actions and proceedings for violations described in the request.

Code 1950, § 45-17; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-105; 1975, c. 520; 1978, c. 118; 1980, c. 388; 1994, c. 28 .