SECTION 38.2-3315. Variations for certain forms of policies; providing more favorable terms  

A. Any of the requirements of §§ 38.2-3300 through 38.2-3300 not applicable to single premium, nonparticipating, term, variable, or flexible premium life insurance policies shall to that extent, as approved by the Commission, be appropriately modified or not be incorporated in these policies.

B. Any individual life insurance policy that, in the opinion of the Commission, contains provisions more favorable to the policyholder than those required by §§ 38.2-3300 through 38.2-3300 , may be delivered or issued for delivery in this Commonwealth after approval by the Commission.

Code 1950, § 38-372; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-404; 1976, c. 562; 1986, c. 562.