SECTION 29.1-105. Lease or contract respecting land or buildings  

The Board is authorized, with the approval of the Governor, to enter into contracts respecting or to lease any land or buildings leased or owned by it to private persons, corporations, associations, other governmental agencies, public authorities duly created by law or political subdivisions of the Commonwealth. The contracts or leases shall be (i) upon terms and conditions as deemed advisable by the Board, (ii) in a form to be approved by the Attorney General, and (iii) consistent with the powers, authority and responsibilities of the Board. If any such lease or contract is to be effective for a term of more than five years, it shall be authorized only after a public hearing by the Board. All amounts received pursuant to leases and contracts hereunder shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the game protection fund.

1970, c. 406, § 29-11.1; 1972, c. 520; 1973, c. 4; 1978, c. 835; 1979, c. 140; 1987, c. 488.