SECTION 18.2-251.1.3. Possession or distribution of cannabidiol oil, THC-A oil, or industrial hemp; laboratories  

No person employed by an analytical laboratory to retrieve, deliver, or possess cannabidiol oil, THC-A oil, or industrial hemp samples from a permitted pharmaceutical processor, a licensed industrial hemp grower, or a licensed industrial hemp processor for the purpose of performing required testing shall be prosecuted under § 18.2-248 , 18.2-248 , 18.2-248 , 18.2-248 , or 18.2-248 for the possession or distribution of cannabidiol oil, THC-A oil, or industrial hemp, or for storing cannabidiol oil, THC-A oil, or industrial hemp for testing purposes in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Board of Pharmacy and the Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

2020, c. 18.2-248 , § 18.2-251.1:2.