SECTION 18.2-210. Stamping, etc., on newspapers, any word, etc., to cause belief it was done by publisher; circulating such newspapers  

No person, without first obtaining the consent of the publisher so to do, shall affix to, or place or insert in, or print, stamp or impress upon any newspaper or any part thereof, after the same shall have been issued for circulation by the publisher thereof, any word, figure, design, picture, emblem or advertisement with intent to cause, or which when so affixed, placed, inserted, printed, stamped or impressed may cause, the public to believe that such word, figure, design, picture, emblem or advertisement was affixed, placed, printed, inserted, stamped or impressed in and upon such newspaper by the publisher of the same as a part thereof.

No person shall knowingly circulate, distribute or sell, or cause to be circulated, distributed or sold, any newspaper upon which has been so affixed, placed, inserted, printed, stamped or impressed any word, figure, design, picture, emblem or advertisement in violation of the terms hereof.

Any person violating the provisions hereof shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. Each violation shall constitute a separate offense.

Code 1950, § 18.1-409; 1960, c. 358; 1964, c. 560; 1975, cc. 14, 15.