SECTION 15.2-2419. Definitions  

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Authority" means the Virginia Resources Authority created in Chapter 21 (§ 62.1-197 et seq.) of Title 62.1.

"Cost," as applied to any project financed under the provisions of this chapter, means the total of all costs incurred by the local government as reasonable and necessary for carrying out all works and undertakings necessary or incident to the accomplishment of any project.

"Fund" means the Virginia Broadband Infrastructure Loan Fund.

"Local government" means any county, city, town, municipal corporation, authority, district, commission, or political subdivision created by the General Assembly or pursuant to the Constitution or laws of the Commonwealth.

"Project" means any undertaking by a local government to build or facilitate the building of broadband infrastructure, including wireless broadband infrastructure which will provide broadband services only to areas within the Commonwealth which are currently unserved by broadband services.

2009, c. 62.1-197 .