SECTION 10.1-1115. Sale of trees  

For the purpose of maintaining in perpetuity the production of forest products on state forests, the State Forester may designate and appraise the trees which should be cut under the principles of scientific forest management, and may sell these trees for not less than the appraised value. When the appraised value of the trees to be sold is more than $50,000, the State Forester, before making such sale, shall receive bids therefor, after notice by publication once a week for two weeks in two newspapers of general circulation. The State Forester shall have the right to reject any and all bids and to readvertise for bids. The proceeds arising from the sale of the timber and trees so sold, except as provided in subsection E of § 10.1-1107 , shall be paid into the state treasury as provided in § 10.1-1107 , and shall be held in the Reforestation Operations Fund for the improvement or protection of state forests or for the purchase of additional lands.

Code 1950, § 10-37; 1970, c. 31; 1986, cc. 539, 567; 1988, c. 891; 2008, c. 10.1-1107 .