ARTICLE 4. Creation, Validity, Modification, and Termination of Trust  

SECTION 64.2-719. Methods of creating trust
SECTION 64.2-720. Requirements for creation
SECTION 64.2-721. Trusts created in other jurisdictions
SECTION 64.2-722. Trust purposes
SECTION 64.2-723. Charitable purposes; enforcement
SECTION 64.2-724. Creation of trust induced by fraud, duress, or undue influence
SECTION 64.2-725. Evidence of oral trust
SECTION 64.2-726. Trust for care of animal
SECTION 64.2-727. Noncharitable trust without ascertainable beneficiary
SECTION 64.2-728. Modification or termination of trust; proceedings for approval or disapproval
SECTION 64.2-729. Modification or termination of noncharitable irrevocable trust by consent
SECTION 64.2-730. Modification or termination because of unanticipated circumstances or inability to administer trust effectively
SECTION 64.2-731. Cy pres
SECTION 64.2-732. Modification or termination of uneconomic trust
SECTION 64.2-733. Reformation to correct mistakes
SECTION 64.2-734. Modification to achieve settlor's tax objectives
SECTION 64.2-735. Combination and division of trusts
SECTION 64.2-736. Amendment of trust where gift, grant, or will establishes private foundation or constitutes a charitable trust or a split-interest trust
SECTION 64.2-737. Distribution of income of trust that is a private foundation or a charitable trust; prohibitions as to such private foundation
SECTION 64.2-738. Prohibitions as to trust that is deemed a split-interest trust
SECTION 64.2-739. Application of §§ 64.2-737 and 64.2-738
SECTION 64.2-740. Interpretation of references to Internal Revenue Code in §§ 64.2-736 through 64.2-739
SECTION 64.2-741. Powers of courts not impaired by §§ 64.2-736 through 64.2-740