ARTICLE 3. Construction and Effect  

SECTION 64.2-414. When wills deemed to speak
SECTION 64.2-415. How certain trust provisions, bequests, and devises to be construed; nonademption in certain cases
SECTION 64.2-416. Devises, bequests, and distributions that fail; how to pass
SECTION 64.2-417. When advancement deemed satisfaction of devise or bequest
SECTION 64.2-418. When children or descendants of beneficiary to take estate or trust
SECTION 64.2-419. Provision for omitted children when no child living when will made
SECTION 64.2-420. Provision for omitted children when child living when will made
SECTION 64.2-421. Construction of certain conditions of spouse's survivorship
SECTION 64.2-422. When omitted spouse to take intestate portion
SECTION 64.2-423. Repealed
SECTION 64.2-424. When direction to purchase annuity binding on legatee
SECTION 64.2-425. Interest on pecuniary legacies
SECTION 64.2-426. Testamentary additions to trusts by testator dying on or after July 1, 1994, and before July 1, 1999
SECTION 64.2-427. Testamentary additions to trusts by testator dying after June 30, 1999
SECTION 64.2-428. Distribution of assets by fiduciaries in satisfaction of pecuniary bequests or transfers in trust of pecuniary amount
SECTION 64.2-429. Construction of trust provisions otherwise eligible for the election permitted under § 2056(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code
SECTION 64.2-430. Certain marital deduction formula clauses to be construed to refer to federal marital deduction allowable if decedent had died on December 31, 1981
SECTION 64.2-431. Certain powers of appointment construed to refer to federal gift tax exclusion in effect on date of execution
SECTION 64.2-432. Certain formula clauses to be construed to refer to federal estate and generation-skipping transfer tax laws applicable to estates of decedents dying after December 31, 2009, and before January 1, 2011