ARTICLE 1.1. Elective Share of Surviving Spouse of Decedent Dying on or After January 1, 2017  

SECTION 64.2-308.1. Applicability; definitions
SECTION 64.2-308.2. Dower or curtesy abolished
SECTION 64.2-308.3. Elective share amount; effect of election on statutory benefits; non-domiciliary
SECTION 64.2-308.4. Composition of the augmented estate; marital property portion
SECTION 64.2-308.5. Decedent's net probate estate
SECTION 64.2-308.6. Decedent's non-probate transfers to others
SECTION 64.2-308.7. Decedent's non-probate transfers to the surviving spouse
SECTION 64.2-308.8. Surviving spouse's property and non-probate transfers to others
SECTION 64.2-308.9. Exclusions, valuation, and overlapping application
SECTION 64.2-308.10. Sources from which elective share payable
SECTION 64.2-308.11. Personal liability of recipients
SECTION 64.2-308.12. Proceeding for elective share; time limit
SECTION 64.2-308.13. Right of election personal to surviving spouse; incapacitated surviving spouse
SECTION 64.2-308.14. Waiver of right to elect and of other rights; defenses
SECTION 64.2-308.15. Protection of payors and other third parties
SECTION 64.2-308.16. Rights in family residence
SECTION 64.2-308.17. Statutory rights barred by desertion or abandonment