CHAPTER 20. Agencies Providing Debt Management Plans  

SECTION 6.2-2000. Definitions
SECTION 6.2-2001. License requirement; exceptions
SECTION 6.2-2002. Application for license; form; content; fee
SECTION 6.2-2003. Bond required
SECTION 6.2-2004. Investigation of applications
SECTION 6.2-2005. Qualifications
SECTION 6.2-2006. Licenses; places of business; changes
SECTION 6.2-2007. Acquisition of control; application
SECTION 6.2-2008. Retention of books, accounts, and records; responding to Bureau
SECTION 6.2-2009. Annual report
SECTION 6.2-2010. Other reporting requirements
SECTION 6.2-2011. Investigations; examinations
SECTION 6.2-2012. Annual fees
SECTION 6.2-2013. Regulations
SECTION 6.2-2014. Required and prohibited business methods
SECTION 6.2-2015. Fees and contributions
SECTION 6.2-2016. Additional charges
SECTION 6.2-2017. Advertising
SECTION 6.2-2018. Suspension or revocation of license
SECTION 6.2-2019. Cease and desist orders
SECTION 6.2-2020. Notice of proposed suspension or revocation
SECTION 6.2-2021. Civil penalties
SECTION 6.2-2022. Criminal penalty
SECTION 6.2-2023. Private right of action
SECTION 6.2-2024. Authority of Attorney General; referral by Commission to Attorney General
SECTION 6.2-2025. Violation of the Virginia Consumer Protection Act