CHAPTER 19. Money Order Sellers and Money Transmitters  

SECTION 6.2-1900. Definitions
SECTION 6.2-1901. License required; exception
SECTION 6.2-1902. Scope and construction of chapter
SECTION 6.2-1903. Application for license; financial statements; application fee
SECTION 6.2-1904. Bond required
SECTION 6.2-1904.1. Investigation of applications
SECTION 6.2-1905. Annual fees; expenses; annual reports; renewal
SECTION 6.2-1906. Conditions prerequisite to issuance of license; net worth requirement
SECTION 6.2-1906.1. Licenses; places of business; changes
SECTION 6.2-1907. License revocation
SECTION 6.2-1908. Notice of proposed revocation
SECTION 6.2-1909. Cease and desist orders
SECTION 6.2-1910. Investigations; examinations; reporting violations
SECTION 6.2-1911. Conduct of business through authorized delegates of licensee
SECTION 6.2-1912. Liability of licensee for payment of money order; money order to bear name of licensee
SECTION 6.2-1913. Regulations
SECTION 6.2-1914. Acquisition of control; application
SECTION 6.2-1915. Sale or issuance of bearer money orders; prohibition
SECTION 6.2-1916. Retention of books, accounts, and records
SECTION 6.2-1917. Other reporting requirements
SECTION 6.2-1918. Maintenance of permissible investments
SECTION 6.2-1919. Types of permissible investments
SECTION 6.2-1920. Civil penalties
SECTION 6.2-1921. Criminal penalty