CHAPTER 8. State Recordation Tax  

SECTION 58.1-800. Title
SECTION 58.1-801. Deeds generally; charter amendments
SECTION 58.1-802. Additional tax paid by grantor; collection
SECTION 58.1-802.1. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-802.2. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-802.3. (Effective May 1, 2021) Regional transportation improvement fee
SECTION 58.1-802.4. (For contingent expiration, see Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275) Regional congestion relief fee
SECTION 58.1-802.5. (For contingent expiration, see Acts 2020, cc. 1241 and 1281) Regional transportation improvement fee
SECTION 58.1-803. Deeds of trust or mortgages; maximum tax
SECTION 58.1-804. Construction loan deeds of trust or mortgages
SECTION 58.1-805. Deeds of release
SECTION 58.1-806. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-807. Contracts generally; leases
SECTION 58.1-808. Sales contracts for the sale of rolling stock or equipment
SECTION 58.1-809. When supplemental writings not taxable
SECTION 58.1-810. What other deeds not taxable
SECTION 58.1-811. (Contingent effective date — see note) Exemptions
SECTION 58.1-812. Payment prerequisite to recordation; exceptions; assessment and collection of tax; penalty for misrepresentation
SECTION 58.1-813. Collection of tax by Department
SECTION 58.1-814. City or county recordation tax
SECTION 58.1-815. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-815.2. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-815.3. U.S. Route 29 Corridor Development Fund [Not set out]
SECTION 58.1-815.4. (Contingent expiration dates) Distribution of recordation tax to the Commonwealth Transportation Fund
SECTION 58.1-816. (Contingent effective date — see Acts 2020, cc. 1241 and 1281) Distribution of recordation tax to cities and counties
SECTION 58.1-816.1. Transportation Improvement Program Set-aside Fund
SECTION 58.1-817. Fee for open-space preservation