ARTICLE 3. Tax Credits for Individuals  

SECTION 58.1-330. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-331. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-332. Credits for taxes paid other states
SECTION 58.1-332.1. Credit for taxes paid to a foreign country on retirement income
SECTION 58.1-332.2. (Applicable for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2007) Definition of income tax
SECTION 58.1-333. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-334. Tax credit for purchase of conservation tillage equipment
SECTION 58.1-335. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-336. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-337. Tax credit for purchase of advanced technology pesticide and fertilizer application equipment
SECTION 58.1-338. Expired
SECTION 58.1-339. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-339.1. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-339.2. Historic rehabilitation tax credit
SECTION 58.1-339.3. Agricultural best management practices tax credit
SECTION 58.1-339.4. Qualified equity and subordinated debt investments tax credit
SECTION 58.1-339.5. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-339.6. Political candidate contribution tax credit
SECTION 58.1-339.7. Livable Home Tax Credit
SECTION 58.1-339.8. Income tax credit for low-income taxpayers
SECTION 58.1-339.9. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-339.10. Riparian forest buffer protection for waterways tax credit
SECTION 58.1-339.11. Repealed
SECTION 58.1-339.12. (Effective July 1, 2021) Farm wineries and vineyards tax credit