ARTICLE 2. Corrections of Erroneous Assessments; Refunds  

SECTION 58.1-1820. Definitions
SECTION 58.1-1821. (Effective January 1, 2021) Application to Tax Commissioner for correction
SECTION 58.1-1822. Action of Tax Commissioner on application for correction
SECTION 58.1-1823. Reassessment and refund upon the filing of amended return or the payment of an assessment
SECTION 58.1-1824. Protective claim for refund
SECTION 58.1-1825. (Effective January 1, 2021) Application to court for correction of erroneous or improper assessments of state taxes generally
SECTION 58.1-1826. Action of court
SECTION 58.1-1827. Correction of double assessments
SECTION 58.1-1828. Appeal
SECTION 58.1-1829. Costs in proceedings under §§ 58.1-1825 through 58.1-1828
SECTION 58.1-1830. Effect of order
SECTION 58.1-1831. No injunctions against assessment or collection of taxes
SECTION 58.1-1832. Chapter includes taxes, levies, penalties and interest
SECTION 58.1-1833. Interest on overpayments or improper collection
SECTION 58.1-1834. Taxpayer meetings; representation; recording meetings
SECTION 58.1-1835. Abatement of any tax, interest, and penalty attributable to erroneous written advice by the Department
SECTION 58.1-1836. Reserved