ARTICLE 6. General Standards of Practice  

SECTION 54.1-2962. Division of fees among physicians prohibited
SECTION 54.1-2962.01. Anatomic pathology services; fees
SECTION 54.1-2962.1. Solicitation or receipt of remuneration in exchange for referral prohibited
SECTION 54.1-2962.2. Physician-patient relationship; effect of certain emergency department treatment
SECTION 54.1-2963. Selling vitamins or food supplements in connection with a practice of the healing arts
SECTION 54.1-2963.1. Disclosure of medical treatment options
SECTION 54.1-2963.2. Expired
SECTION 54.1-2964. Disclosure of interest in referral facilities and clinical laboratories
SECTION 54.1-2965. Repealed
SECTION 54.1-2966. Physicians reporting disabilities to aircraft pilots licensing authorities exempt from liability; testifying in certain proceedings
SECTION 54.1-2966.1. Repealed
SECTION 54.1-2967. Physicians and others rendering medical aid to report certain wounds
SECTION 54.1-2968. Information about certain handicapped persons
SECTION 54.1-2969. Authority to consent to surgical and medical treatment of certain minors
SECTION 54.1-2970. Medical treatment for certain persons incapable of giving informed consent
SECTION 54.1-2970.1. Individual incapable of making informed decision; procedure for physical evidence recovery kit examination; consent by minors
SECTION 54.1-2971. Repealed
SECTION 54.1-2971.01. Prescription in excess of recommended dosage in certain cases
SECTION 54.1-2971.1. Disclosure for certain treatment of infertility
SECTION 54.1-2972. When person deemed medically and legally dead; determination of death; nurses' or physician assistants' authority to pronounce death under certain circumstances
SECTION 54.1-2973. Persons who may authorize postmortem examination of decedent's body
SECTION 54.1-2973.1. Practice of laser hair removal