ARTICLE 1. Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Landscape Architects  

SECTION 54.1-400. Definitions
SECTION 54.1-401. (Effective January 1, 2021) Exemptions
SECTION 54.1-402. Further exemptions from license requirements for architects, professional engineers, and land surveyors
SECTION 54.1-402.1. State and local government employees; license exemptions for persons employed prior to March 8, 1992
SECTION 54.1-402.2. Cease and desist orders for unlicensed activity; civil penalty
SECTION 54.1-403. Board members and officers; quorum
SECTION 54.1-404. Regulations; code of professional practice and conduct
SECTION 54.1-404.1. Repealed
SECTION 54.1-404.2. Continuing education
SECTION 54.1-405. Examinations and issuance of licenses and certificates
SECTION 54.1-406. License required
SECTION 54.1-407. Land surveying
SECTION 54.1-408. Practice of land surveying; subdivisions
SECTION 54.1-409. Practice of landscape architecture; license required
SECTION 54.1-410. Other building laws not affected; duties of public officials
SECTION 54.1-410.1. Prerequisites for obtaining business license
SECTION 54.1-411. Organization for practice; registration