ARTICLE 9. Benefits

SECTION 51.1-152. Limitations on average final compensation
SECTION 51.1-153. Service retirement
SECTION 51.1-154. Compulsory service retirement
SECTION 51.1-155. Service retirement allowance
SECTION 51.1-155.1. Exceptions from general early retirement provisions for certain state employees and constitutional officers
SECTION 51.1-155.2. Exceptions from general early retirement provisions for certain local government officials
SECTION 51.1-156. Disability retirement
SECTION 51.1-157. Disability retirement allowance
SECTION 51.1-158. Reduction of benefits for acceptance of lump-sum settlement under Workers' Compensation Act
SECTION 51.1-159. Medical examinations of persons retired for disability
SECTION 51.1-160. Cessation of disability retirement allowance
SECTION 51.1-161. Withdrawal of contributions before retirement
SECTION 51.1-162. Death before retirement
SECTION 51.1-163. Death after retirement
SECTION 51.1-164. Repealed
SECTION 51.1-165. Optional benefits
SECTION 51.1-165.01. Partial lump-sum option for payment of retirement allowance
SECTION 51.1-165.1. Acknowledgment by spouse of member
SECTION 51.1-166. Post-retirement supplements generally
SECTION 51.1-167. Retirement allowance to be reduced in certain cases
SECTION 51.1-168. Limits on creditable compensation; maximum benefits; mandatory payment of allowance
SECTION 51.1-169. Hybrid retirement program