ARTICLE 1. Motor Carriers of Property -- Generally  

SECTION 46.2-2100. Definitions
SECTION 46.2-2101. Exemptions from chapter
SECTION 46.2-2102. Compliance with chapter required
SECTION 46.2-2103. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-2108.1. Disposition of funds collected
SECTION 46.2-2108.2. Necessity of a permit or certificate
SECTION 46.2-2108.3. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-2108.4. Application; notice requirements
SECTION 46.2-2108.5. Registered for fuels tax; business, professional, and occupational license taxes
SECTION 46.2-2108.6. Considerations for determination of issuance of permit, or certificate
SECTION 46.2-2109. Action on applications; hearings on denials and protests
SECTION 46.2-2110. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-2114.1. Expired
SECTION 46.2-2115. Determination for issuance of permit or certificate
SECTION 46.2-2116. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-2117. Temporary emergency operation
SECTION 46.2-2118. Issuance, expiration, and renewal of permit and certificate
SECTION 46.2-2119. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-2120. Filing and application fees
SECTION 46.2-2121. Vehicle fees
SECTION 46.2-2121.1. Declaration of for-hire operation; presumption of nonbusiness use
SECTION 46.2-2122. Bond and letter of credit requirements of applicants for certificate
SECTION 46.2-2123. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-2124. Notice of discontinuance of service
SECTION 46.2-2125. Reports, records, etc
SECTION 46.2-2126. Certificate or permit holder not relieved of liability for negligence
SECTION 46.2-2127. Freight bill violation
SECTION 46.2-2128. Vehicle seizure; penalty
SECTION 46.2-2129. Unlawful use of registration and identification markers
SECTION 46.2-2130. Registration violations; penalties
SECTION 46.2-2131. Violation; criminal penalties
SECTION 46.2-2132. Violations; civil penalties
SECTION 46.2-2133. Grounds for denying, suspending, or revoking certificates
SECTION 46.2-2134. Grounds for denying, suspending, or revoking permits
SECTION 46.2-2135. Altering or amending permits or certificates
SECTION 46.2-2136. Suspension, revocation, and refusal to renew permit or certificate; notice and hearing
SECTION 46.2-2137. Basis for reinstatement of suspended permits or certificates; reinstatement fees
SECTION 46.2-2138. Basis for reissuance after revocation of permits or certificates; fees
SECTION 46.2-2139. Surrender of license plate and registration card; removal by law enforcement; operation of vehicle denied
SECTION 46.2-2140. Title to plates