ARTICLE 1. Motor Carriers of Passengers -- Generally  

SECTION 46.2-2000. Definitions
SECTION 46.2-2000.1. Vehicles excluded from operation of chapter
SECTION 46.2-2000.2. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-2000.3. Disposition of funds collected
SECTION 46.2-2001. Regulation by Department; reports; prevention of discrimination; regulation of leasing of motor vehicles
SECTION 46.2-2001.1. License, permit, or certificate required
SECTION 46.2-2001.2. Identification marker required
SECTION 46.2-2001.3. Application; notice requirements
SECTION 46.2-2002. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-2005. Action on applications; hearings on denials and protests
SECTION 46.2-2005.1. Determination for issuance for license, permit, or certificate
SECTION 46.2-2006. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-2011. Considerations for determination of issuance of license or certificate
SECTION 46.2-2011.1. Issuance of temporary authority
SECTION 46.2-2011.2. Temporary emergency operation
SECTION 46.2-2011.3. Issuance, expiration, and renewal of license, permit, and certificate
SECTION 46.2-2011.4. Conversion of contract bus certificates
SECTION 46.2-2011.5. Filing and application fees
SECTION 46.2-2011.6. Vehicle fees
SECTION 46.2-2011.7. Certificate holders must provide services
SECTION 46.2-2011.8. Transfers of certificates of public convenience and necessity
SECTION 46.2-2011.9. Bond and letter of credit requirements
SECTION 46.2-2011.10. Advertisements
SECTION 46.2-2011.11. Established place of business
SECTION 46.2-2011.12. Transportation of baggage with passengers
SECTION 46.2-2011.13. Stowing of baggage, parcels, etc
SECTION 46.2-2011.14. Notice of abandonment of service
SECTION 46.2-2011.15. Department may seek judgment for refunds due public and collect and distribute same
SECTION 46.2-2011.16. Reports, records, etc
SECTION 46.2-2011.17. Certificate, license, or permit holder not relieved of liability for negligence
SECTION 46.2-2011.18. Violation by passengers; misdemeanor; ejection
SECTION 46.2-2011.19. Vehicle seizure; penalty
SECTION 46.2-2011.20. Unlawful use of registration and identification markers
SECTION 46.2-2011.21. Registration and identification violations; penalties
SECTION 46.2-2011.22. Violation; criminal penalties
SECTION 46.2-2011.23. Violations; civil penalties
SECTION 46.2-2011.24. Grounds for denying, suspending, or revoking licenses, permits, or certificates
SECTION 46.2-2011.25. Altering or amending licenses, permits, or certificates
SECTION 46.2-2011.26. Suspension, revocation, and refusal to renew licenses, permits, or certificates; notice and hearing
SECTION 46.2-2011.27. Basis for reinstatement of suspended licenses, permits, or certificates; reinstatement fees
SECTION 46.2-2011.28. Basis for relicensure after revocation of licenses, permits, or certificates; fees
SECTION 46.2-2011.29. Surrender of identification marker, license plate, and registration card; removal by law enforcement; operation of vehicle denied
SECTION 46.2-2011.30. No property rights in highways conferred by chapter
SECTION 46.2-2011.31. Licenses, taxes, etc., not affected
SECTION 46.2-2011.32. Title to plates and markers
SECTION 46.2-2011.33. Prohibition on taxicab operators; registered sex offender
SECTION 46.2-2012. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-2042. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-2043. Repealed