ARTICLE 2. Motor Vehicle Dealer Licenses  

SECTION 46.2-1508. Licenses required; penalty
SECTION 46.2-1508.1. Licensure of certain nonprofit organizations
SECTION 46.2-1508.2. Display, parking, selling, advertising sale of certain used motor vehicles prohibited
SECTION 46.2-1509. Application for license or certificate of dealer registration
SECTION 46.2-1510. Dealers required to have established place of business
SECTION 46.2-1511. Dealer-operator to have certificate of qualification
SECTION 46.2-1512. Salesperson to have certificate of qualification
SECTION 46.2-1513. Continued operation on loss of a dealer-operator holding certificate of qualification
SECTION 46.2-1514. Action on applications; hearing on denial; denial for failure to have established place of business
SECTION 46.2-1515. Location to be specified; display of license; change of location
SECTION 46.2-1516. Supplemental sales locations
SECTION 46.2-1517. Changes in form of ownership, make, name
SECTION 46.2-1518. Display of salesperson's license; notice on termination
SECTION 46.2-1519. License and registration fees; additional to other licenses and fees required by law
SECTION 46.2-1520. Collection of license and registration fees; payments from fund
SECTION 46.2-1521. Issuance, expiration, and renewal of licenses and certificates of registration