CHAPTER 13. Powers of Local Governments  

SECTION 46.2-1300. Powers of local authorities generally; erection of signs and markers; maximum penalties
SECTION 46.2-1301. Designation of stop and yield right-of-way intersections
SECTION 46.2-1302. Regulation of operation of vehicles in snow, sleet, etc.; designation of play areas; penalties
SECTION 46.2-1303. Issuance of permits to perform construction or repair work within right-of-way lines of public roadways
SECTION 46.2-1304. Local regulation of trucks and buses
SECTION 46.2-1304.1. Localities may regulate construction and parking of commercial motor vehicles used to transport municipal solid waste; penalty
SECTION 46.2-1305. Regulation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic on roadways and parking areas in residential subdivisions
SECTION 46.2-1306. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-1307. Designation of private roads as highways for law-enforcement purposes
SECTION 46.2-1307.1. Designation of private roads as highways for law-enforcement purposes in certain counties
SECTION 46.2-1308. Disposition of fines in traffic cases; failure or neglect to comply with section
SECTION 46.2-1309. Officers may direct traffic; signals
SECTION 46.2-1310. Authority to deputize persons to direct traffic in certain circumstances
SECTION 46.2-1311. Applicability of county ordinances within towns
SECTION 46.2-1312. Size, design, and color of signs, signals, and markings erected by local authorities
SECTION 46.2-1313. Incorporation of provisions of this title, Article 9 (§ 16.1-278 et seq.) of Chapter 11 of Title 16.1 and Article 2 (§ 18.2-266 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 in ordinances
SECTION 46.2-1314. Traffic schools; requiring attendance by persons convicted of certain violations
SECTION 46.2-1315. Powers of localities to regulate use of motorized skateboards or scooters, bicycles, or electric power-assisted bicycles for hire