ARTICLE 2. Titling Vehicles  

SECTION 46.2-616. Acquiring vehicle from vendor who does not have certificate of title
SECTION 46.2-617. Sale of vehicle without certificate of title
SECTION 46.2-618. When unlawful to have in possession certificate of title issued to another; remedy of purchaser against persons in possession of title of vehicle purchased from dealer
SECTION 46.2-619. New indicia of title; procedure as to leased vehicles
SECTION 46.2-620. Period of validity of certificate of title
SECTION 46.2-621. Application for certificate of title
SECTION 46.2-621.1. Correcting errors in titling
SECTION 46.2-622. Issuance of certificate of title in names of joint owners
SECTION 46.2-623. Statements in application
SECTION 46.2-624. Information required on vehicles damaged by water
SECTION 46.2-625. Specially constructed, reconstructed, replica, converted electric, or foreign vehicles
SECTION 46.2-626. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-626.1. Motorcycle purchased by manufacturer for parts; documentation required for sale of parts
SECTION 46.2-627. Fee for certificate of title; use in special fund
SECTION 46.2-628. How certificate of title transferred
SECTION 46.2-629. Odometer reading to be reported on certificate of title, application, or power of attorney
SECTION 46.2-630. Transfer and application for certificate of title forwarded to Department
SECTION 46.2-631. When transferred certificate of title need not be forwarded
SECTION 46.2-632. Transfer when certificate of title lost
SECTION 46.2-633. Transfer of title by operation of law
SECTION 46.2-633.1. Sale in Virginia of vehicle repossessed in another state
SECTION 46.2-633.2. Transfer of title on death
SECTION 46.2-634. Transfer of title when no qualification on estate
SECTION 46.2-635. Surrender of certificates for vehicles to be demolished; securing new title certificates
SECTION 46.2-636. Certificate to show security interests
SECTION 46.2-636.1. Security interests in farm tractors and special construction and forestry equipment
SECTION 46.2-637. Security interests subsequently created
SECTION 46.2-638. Certificate as notice of security interest
SECTION 46.2-639. Security interest may be filed within thirty days after purchase
SECTION 46.2-640. Priority of security interests shown on certificates of title
SECTION 46.2-640.1. Vehicle leases that are not sales or security interests
SECTION 46.2-641. Who to hold certificate of title subject to security interest
SECTION 46.2-642. Release of security interest shown on certificate of title
SECTION 46.2-643. Surrender of certificate of title required when security interest paid
SECTION 46.2-644. Levy of execution
SECTION 46.2-644.01. Lien of keeper of garage
SECTION 46.2-644.02. Lien of mechanic for repairs
SECTION 46.2-644.03. Enforcement of liens acquired under §§ 46.2-644.01 and 46.2-644.02 and of liens of bailees