ARTICLE 3. Persons Not to Be Licensed  

SECTION 46.2-311. Persons having defective vision; minimum standards of visual acuity and field of vision; tests of vision
SECTION 46.2-312. Persons using bioptic telescopic lenses
SECTION 46.2-313. Persons with suspended or revoked licenses
SECTION 46.2-314. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-315. Disabled persons
SECTION 46.2-316. Persons convicted or found not innocent of certain offenses; requirement of proof of financial responsibility for certain offenses
SECTION 46.2-317. Persons making false statement in application
SECTION 46.2-318. Cancellation or revocation of license where application is false in material particular
SECTION 46.2-319. Refusal or revocation of license for certain fraudulent acts in obtaining a driver's license
SECTION 46.2-320. Other grounds for refusal or suspension
SECTION 46.2-320.1. Other grounds for suspension; nonpayment of child support
SECTION 46.2-320.2. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-321. Appeal from denial, suspension, or revocation of license; operation of vehicle pending appeal
SECTION 46.2-322. Examination of licensee believed incompetent; suspension or restriction of license; license application to include questions as to physical or mental conditions of applicant; false answers; examination of applicant; physician's, nurse practitioner's, or physician assistant's statement