ARTICLE 19. Driver Improvement Program

SECTION 46.2-489. Regulations; appeals
SECTION 46.2-490. Establishment of driver improvement clinic program; application fees
SECTION 46.2-490.1. Section 46.2-391.1 not applicable
SECTION 46.2-490.2. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-490.3. Definitions
SECTION 46.2-490.4. Action on applications; hearing on denial
SECTION 46.2-490.5. Suspension, revocation, cancellation or refusal to renew clinic license or instructor license; imposition of monetary penalties
SECTION 46.2-490.6. Civil penalties
SECTION 46.2-490.7. Acts of owners, operators, officers, directors, partners, and instructors
SECTION 46.2-490.8. Grounds for denying, suspending, or revoking licenses of clinics and clinic instructors
SECTION 46.2-490.9. Unlawful acts; prosecution; proceedings in equity
SECTION 46.2-490.10. Changes in form of ownership or name
SECTION 46.2-490.11. Reports, records of licensed computer-based clinic providers
SECTION 46.2-491. Persons included within scope of article
SECTION 46.2-492. Uniform Demerit Point System
SECTION 46.2-493. Demerit points valid for two years
SECTION 46.2-494. Safe driving point credit
SECTION 46.2-495. Advisory letters
SECTION 46.2-496. Repealed
SECTION 46.2-498. Driver improvement clinics; voluntary attendance
SECTION 46.2-499. Driver's license probation
SECTION 46.2-500. Driver control period
SECTION 46.2-501. Notice to attend driver improvement clinic
SECTION 46.2-502. Clinic fees
SECTION 46.2-503. Suspension of privilege to operate a motor vehicle for failure to attend clinics
SECTION 46.2-504. Form and contents of order of probation, suspension or revocation; service
SECTION 46.2-505. Court may direct defendant to attend driver improvement clinic
SECTION 46.2-506. Formal hearings; suspension for excessive point accumulation