ARTICLE 13. Suspension of Licenses for Unsatisfied Judgments and After Certain Accidents  

SECTION 46.2-417. Suspension for failure to satisfy motor vehicle accident judgment; exceptions; insurance in liquidated company; insurer obligated to pay judgment
SECTION 46.2-418. Nonpayment of judgments of Virginia and other states
SECTION 46.2-419. When judgment satisfied
SECTION 46.2-420. Order for payment of judgment in installments
SECTION 46.2-421. Effect of order for such payment and proof of financial responsibility
SECTION 46.2-422. Suspension on failure to pay installments
SECTION 46.2-423. Creditor's consent to license notwithstanding default in payment
SECTION 46.2-424. Duty of insurance carrier after notice of accident; report of omissions by insurers to State Corporation Commission; investigation and assessment for omissions
SECTION 46.2-425. Driver or owner having no license issued by Department
SECTION 46.2-426. Custody and application of cash or securities deposited; limitation of actions; assignment
SECTION 46.2-427. When suspensions to remain effective; relief from furnishing proof of financial responsibility; prohibition against registration in name of another person
SECTION 46.2-428. Commonwealth responsible for deposits
SECTION 46.2-429. Release of deposits only upon consent of Commissioner