ARTICLE 11. Accident Reports  

SECTION 46.2-371. Driver to give immediate notice of certain accidents
SECTION 46.2-372. Driver to report certain accidents in writing; certification of financial responsibility to Department; supplemental reports; reports by witnesses
SECTION 46.2-373. Report by law-enforcement officer investigating accident
SECTION 46.2-373.1. Report of law-enforcement officer involved in accident
SECTION 46.2-374. Department to prepare and supply forms for reports
SECTION 46.2-375. Reports by medical examiners of deaths resulting from accidents
SECTION 46.2-376. Report required of person in charge of garage or repair shop
SECTION 46.2-377. Reports made by garages to be without prejudice and confidential; exceptions
SECTION 46.2-378. Extent to which reports may be used as evidence
SECTION 46.2-379. Use of crash reports made by investigating officers
SECTION 46.2-380. Reports made under certain sections open to inspection by certain persons; copies; maintenance of reports and photographs for three-year period
SECTION 46.2-381. Accident reports required by county or municipal ordinance; copies
SECTION 46.2-382. Courts to keep full records of certain cases
SECTION 46.2-382.1. Courts to make findings relating to commercial motor vehicles
SECTION 46.2-383. Courts to forward abstracts of records or furnish abstract data of conviction by electronic means in certain cases; records in office of Department; inspection; clerk's fee for reports
SECTION 46.2-384. Law-enforcement officers arresting drivers for certain offenses to request abstracts or transcripts of drivers' conviction records
SECTION 46.2-385. Prosecuting attorneys to appear in certain cases
SECTION 46.2-386. Forms for and information to be contained in abstracts; certification
SECTION 46.2-387. Penalty for failure to forward record of conviction or of judgment for damages
SECTION 46.2-388. Uniform summons to be used for reportable motor vehicle law violations; citations